Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The First Bla

Why does Malaysian mainstream media sound so... repetitive? Boring? Condescending? Patronizing? Why don't we have quality, engaging, independent and intelligent news sources printed in Malaysia? Why do we always have to rely on internet news, foreign press, and blogs to provide us with readable material?

Well, the reason for this is that the mainstream media (MSM) is owned by the Malaysian government, specifically by the political parties that make up the false alliance BN. Due to this, the news reported by these papers generally become propaganda pieces which glorify the mediocre, and whitewash the relevant. Stories are heavily self-censored or editor-censored. Newsworthy items are embargoed by the government. Opinion editors have no courage to step out of the official line. All this stifles the journalistic development in Malaysia.

Doesn't it bore you when headlines scream "Change Your Lifestyle", or "Economy is Doing Well", or "RM90m for Leaking Buildings"? Doesn't it make you cringe? I'll tell you what effect the headlines have on me.

They make me go "Bla Bla Bla"....

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